


      Výrobní hala
      Průmyslové osvětlení
      Roční úspora 1 899 268 kWh
      59 %

      Původní řešení

      Původní řešení ARGIA světelné řešení
      Druh svítidla Fluorescent T5, T8 luminaires GE luminaries (Highbay, Offices and Exterior)
      Počet svítidel 2 221 ks 2 198 ks
      Celkový příkon 570,79 kW 314,54 kW
      Roční ener. spotřeba 3 230 559 kWh 1 331 291 kWh
      Výsledek realizaceCustomer‘s total operating costs were reduced by 59% with a significant increase in lighting levels. New ARGIA Lighting system was installed with intelligent control system for daylight and motion.
      Návratnost investice 2,5 roku

      ARGIA světelné řešení

      Druh svítidla

      GE luminaries (Highbay, Offices and Exterior)

      Počet svítidel 2198 ks
      Celkový příkon314.535 kW
      Roční ener. spotřeba 1331291 kWh
      Výsledek realizaceCustomer‘s total operating costs were reduced by 59% with a significant increase in lighting levels. New ARGIA Lighting system was installed with intelligent control system for daylight and motion.
      Návratnost investice 2,5 roku
      Referenční list

      Parametry instalace:

      For BRP, the world manufacturer of snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, motorcycles, and personal watercraft, we have replaced the lighting in a production hall, warehouse and offices. The project included the dismantling of inconvenient fluorescent luminaires and the installation of over 2,000 new LED luminaires without interrupting continuous operation. Thanks to ARGIA solution, the customer has achieved an operating cost savings of 59% with a significant increase in the lighting in the all workspaces. Everything was delivered on time and in perfect quality. This solution saves equals 1,044,597 kg of CO2.

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