

      Holiday Inn Express

      Holiday Inn Express
      Střechy a parkoviště
      San Luis Potosí, MEX
      Solární řešení střechy
      Úspora (tun CO2) 218
      Instalovaná kapacita 279 kWp
      Roční produkce 500 MWh
      Výkon elektrárny 279 kWp
      Počet kusů panelů 502 ks
      Typ panelu Canadian Solar, 555MS
      Počet kusů měničů 2 ks
      Typ měniče Growatt MAX 124KTL3
      Parametry realizace

      Our latest successful PPA project, which provides clients with significant energy savings and environmental benefits, is the Holiday Inn Express. With the use of cutting-edge technology, including 502 monocrystalline solar panels, our team delivered a solution with a 279 kWp installed capacity. This system is capable of producing 500 MWh annually, resulting in a significant reduction of 218 tons of CO2 emissions per year.

      Referenční list

      Holiday Inn Express is a global hotel chain, offering reliable and affordable accommodations. The company provides modern amenities, complimentary breakfasts, and efficient check-in processes to ensure a pleasant stay. Holiday Inn Express is dedicated to delivering value and convenience to meet guests‘ needs.

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