8. Connecting electricity to Yours Bills (We’ve got your back)
With a general idea of how your electricity is generated and the type of energy market your facility is in, the process of understanding your bills and the charges on them becomes much easier. Fuel costs, generation costs, grid upkeep, distribution costs, and so on all help to explain why utilities include each charge. This information can help your company make informed decisions on how it uses and purchases electricity.
10. Power factor
PF= (237000+497525+67550)/ [(237000+497525+67550)2 +2058002]0.5=802375/828347=96.86
12. Unique charges
Distribution = kWMax/AnoMovil * 55.81 (cost in division for tariff GDMTH) = 105648.33 $/kW
Transmission = Energy Consumed (B/I/P) * 0.1663 for all three periods = 133434.97 $/kWh
CENACE = Energy Consumed (B/I/P) * 0.0078 for all three periods = 6258.53 $/kWh
Capacity = Max Demand during Peak * 357.05 (cost in division for tariff GDMTH) = 566281.3
SCnMEM = 0054 (other NonMEM costs) * Energy Consumed (B/P/I) = 4331.83
13. Power Factor cost benefit or penalty
Calculated from the total amount of fixed costs and energy.