Original installation | ARGIA lighting solution | |
Type of luminary | Industrial fluorescent luminaires T8 2x58 W IP65 | INDUSTRY LINE AL (DALI) series |
Number of luminaires | 155 pcs | 161 pcs |
Total Input | 21.39 kW | 9.22 kW |
Consumption kWh/year | 129,367 kWh | 31,030 kWh |
Project result | Customer’s total operating costs reduced by 76% while significant increasing of the illumination level more then 80%. | |
Return on investment | 4.3 years |
Type of luminary | INDUSTRY LINE AL (DALI) series |
Number of luminaires | 161 ks |
Total Input | 9.22 kW |
Consumption kWh/year | 31030 kWh |
Project result | Customer’s total operating costs reduced by 76% while significant increasing of the illumination level more then 80%. |
Return on investment | 4.3 years |
Installation parameters:
For the Czech paper manufacturer, OP Papírna s.r.o., we have replaced obsolete fluorescent luminaires for new modern LED luminaires in a hard industry environment with increased ambient temperature, high dustiness and the appearance of paper particles. By installing new LED luminaires that meet the requirements for high IP66 protection, ambient temperature up to +45 ° C and limited surface temperature of the luminaire to avoid ignition of paper particles in the air, there has been a significant increase in the level of illumination by more than 80%. The dismantling of the existing electric wiring in the area with an increased risk of fire was also included in the delivery, and it was done only by manual cutting off. In the area of pulp milling are now installed dimmable luminaires controlled by daylight sensor, in the storage area the luminaires are switched by motion sensors. By combining LED luminaires, luminance sensor and motion sensors, the customer saves up to 76% of operating costs.
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