


      Production hall, Welding hall
      Industrial lighting
      Annual energy savings 604,116 kWh
      73 %

      Original installation

      Original installation ARGIA lighting solution
      Type of luminary Discharge luminaires 400W INLENE series
      Number of luminaires 243 pcs 202 pcs
      Total Input 115.43 kW 31.52 kW
      Consumption kWh/year 831,060 kWh 226,994 kWh
      Project result The customer's total operating costs were reduced by up to 73%.
      Return on investment 2 years

      ARGIA lighting solution

      Type of luminary

      INLENE series

      Number of luminaires 202 ks
      Total Input31.52 kW
      Consumption kWh/year 226994 kWh
      Project result The customer's total operating costs were reduced by up to 73%.
      Return on investment 2 years
      Reference sheet

      Installation parameters:

      • Production hall and welding shop of large parts of railway bridges
      • Switching off according to daylight intensity
      • Installation height 10 to 13 m
      • Installation on stages
      • Double increase in illuminance

      For MINER POWERBRACE, the Rails Division, we have replaced the obsolete, inconvenient discharge lighting with new modern energy saving LED luminaires in the production hall and welding shop, without interruption of continuous operation. New LED luminaires are switched off depending on the intensity of daylight. The installation was carried out at heights of 10 to 13 m and for stages according to the customer's schedule. The installed luminaires are ready for future analog dimming, which will bring further savings to the customer. The installation of energy savings LED luminaires has doubled the level of illumination and at the same time the customer saves up to 73% of the operating costs of lighting.

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